It is a possibility that you have been prescribed an opioid medication if you have been struggling with chronic pain. You might have been asked to sign an opioid treatment agreement or pain management agreement. These agreements are typically referred to as pain contracts or opioid contracts. It is thus essential you understand what is being asked before you sign the contract if this is the case. Information can be found here.
What is the Pain Management Agreement?
A patient-doctor contract is a pain medication agreement. This contract aims to ensure that you are taking opioid drugs exactly as your doctor prescribed for you. Pain managements were not common years ago. Only pain management specialists and pain clinics require pain management agreements. However, more family and general practitioners need patients who take long-term opioid pain medication to sign them with an increase in the scrutiny of the Drug Enforcement Administration and opioid addictions. See here for information about Is a Pain Clinic Right for You.
Details in Agreements
Several elements are consistent throughout, even when every agreement’s details vary from one doctor to the others. Before you sign your name, you may want to know some things about pain management agreements. You cannot have the right to a pain management agreement if you cannot agree with these fundamental elements:
- Prescriptions come from one provider
- No replacement medication
- Only one pharmacy is allowed
- Drug testing is allowed
- Take medication as prescribed
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